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Room 104

Routines & Procedures

School-Wide Rules
  • School-Wide/Classroom discipline ensures that all students make good decisions about their behavior. The children will develop self-discipline, the ability to resolve conflict independently and peacefully. Everyone has the right to enter a classroom that is bully-free and nurturing. When we all work together as a team the children will benefit and be rewarded with a positive, loving, learning environment.
  • Rules
    • We will not hurt anyone on the inside or outside.
    • We will respect others, their possessions, and our building.
    • We will keep our hands, feet, and other objects to ourselves.
    • We will use acceptable attitude and appropriate language.
    • We will follow directions the first time they are given.
    • We will not prevent the teacher from teaching and other students from learning.
  • Rewards
    • In order to encourage positive behavior, the children will be rewarded with notes sent home, stickers or small rewards (pencils, certificates, etc...) from the classroom Treasure Chest.
  • Consequences
    • When classroom rules are broken, logical consequences will occur: 
      • They may include time away from the class, cleaning or repairing damaged property, written or verbal apologies, or a note written by the student to be sent home, signed and returned.
      • In the event that the student needs to be removed from the classroom to allow the rest of the class to work in a positive environment, he/she will be referred to the office to speak with Mr. Lenosky.

Morning Exercises
  • Every morning the students will enter the classroom and go directly to their seats. Once they are at their seats backpacks should be emptied and then placed in the student's cubbie. Coats should be hung neatly and lunches should be removed from the backpacks.
  • Students will order his/her lunch.
  • After the morning announcements, we will open our day with the "Pledge of Allegiance."
  • Students will quietly move to the calendar area for our "Calendar Showcase" (we will practice naming the date, days of the week, count by ones, twos, fives and tens, count money and use tally marks).
  • Our daily schedule will be reviewed and then the students will return to their seats to begin the day.

Take Home Folders
  • In order to facilitate the various homework assignments and paper flow that are a part of our everyday lessons, I've given each child a red "Take Home Folder."  The "Take Home Folder" should come home every day of the week, so please check your child's backpack daily.
  • Any papers that are placed in the "Bring Back" side of the folder need to be completed and returned. Please make sure that your child returns the folder the next day. 
  • Your child's behavior plays an integral part in his/her learning and growth.  Communication is the key to a successful first grade year.  If a student chooses not to follow the classroom rules repeatedly, causing harm to himself/herself or others and/or impeding learning, an email or Remind message will be sent or a phone call will be placed. 

PTO Information
  • The William Penn PTO has gone "green". Please refer to their website for all information.
  • Announcements are also posted on Facebook.

  • If your child is absent for more than two days and you would like homework sent home, please call the office and tell Mrs. Mason or leave her a message before noon.  You can also send me an email before noon.
  • When your child returns to school, please send an excuse with him/her.
    • Absence forms can be found here.

Early Dismissals & Change in Transportation
  • Anytime your child has an early dismissal or change of transportation (e.g., being picked up from school instead of riding the bus), a note must be sent to school.  Please understand, for the safety of the children, they cannot be dismissed without written permission.

  • Homework is an important part of your child's learning process. It not only reinforces what they are learning in class but it also teaches them responsibility and discipline.  It is very important that your child learns good homework habits early.  Make sure your child has a designated homework area that is well lit and away from distractions.  Keep a box with scissors, pencils, erasers, and crayons nearby so that your child will have all the supplies that they need.
  • A monthly math packet will be sent home to provide another window into the classroom.  You may complete the work with your child but it does not need to be returned.
  • Spelling words and vocabulary words should be practiced on a daily basis.
  • Addition and subtraction facts (up to =20) should be reviewed frequently.

Special Area Schedule for Room 104
  • Monday
    • 9:25 - 10:25 Art
  • Tuesday
    • 9:25 - 9:55 - Library
  • Wednesday
    • 9:25 - 9:55 - Health
    • 10:00 - 10:30 - PE
  • Thursday
    • 9:25 - 9:55 - Library
    • 10:00 - 10:30 - Music
  • Friday
    • 9:25 - 9:55 - Music
    • 10:00 - 10:30 - PE
  • Monday - Friday
    • 12:35 - 12:58 - Lunch
    • 12:58 - 1:20 - Recess

Lunch Menu
  • Lunches are $2.75/$3.75
  • Breakfasts are free of charge.
  • Checks can be made to BPSD FSD or payments can be made directly to